April 11, 1985
We, the People
The Manila Times

One does not have to be a supporter of Joly Benitez to be scandalized that his cousin, Mrs. Lydia Benitez-Brown, the executive producer of Batibot, after all these years, is now signing herself as plain "Lydia Brown" (The Times, Apr. 10).

Mrs. Benitez-Brown should be ashamed of herself for dissociating herself from her family, particularly because Batibot, which is her only claim to fame, would never have been produced if cousin Jolly and his Ministry of Human Settlements had not supported this project.

Joly may have been an unmitigated crook, but he never stabbed anyone in the back this way.

Joly certainly deserves better treatment from his relatives, especially those he had favored so much. And the Benitez family, whatever faults of some of its members, does not deserve to be disowned this way.